Marjoram Oil - AOS135
Marjoram Oil
4.00 % Reviews Rating 1 Reviews- Product Name : Marjoram Oil
- Product Weight : 30 ML
- Product Price : 501
- Product Availibility : 500 Items in Stock
This excellent essential oil is extracted from both fresh and dried leaves of the marjoram plant. This has enough properties of antibacterial and anti-fungal, so nowadays it is used in bulk by the cosmetic and Pharma industries. It has a sweet, woodsy, and piney smell. This amazing oil is used for dizziness, coughs, stomach cramps, depression, and gallbladder complaints. Buy Marjoram Oil Online as per Food Grade, Pharma Grade, and Cosmetic Grade directly from a Reputed Manufacturer and Supplier in India. So, visit our page, sign Up, cart your required quantity of the oil, and buy 100% Pure and Natural Quality of the Oil.
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Know All About Marjoram Oil and Buy Online:
Through the use of steam distillation, marjoram essential oil can be obtained from both fresh and dried plant leaves. Marjoram oil's main active ingredients include sabinene, alpha-terpinene, gamma-terpinene, cymene, terpinolene, linalool, sabinene hydrate, linalyl acetate, terpineol, and gamma terpineol. Due to the essential oil's calming effects, it is used topically and utilized in aromatherapy. The nervous system responds well to it. The warm and woody scent of marjoram oil aids in establishing a soothing environment.
How to Extract Marjoram Oil?
By using steam distillation, marjoram oil is produced in quantities ranging from 0.5 to 3% from the plant's fresh, dried, and flowering tops.
What are the properties of Marjoram Oil?
In addition to its use in cooking, marjoram can be consumed internally to promote a strong immunological and cardiovascular system. For its soothing effects, marjoram can also be applied topically and aromatically. Additionally, it benefits the nervous system.
With whom does Marjoram oil Blend?
When diffused, marjoram oil works well with essential oils of bergamot, cypress, lavender, and rosemary.
Know Uses and Benefits of Marjoram Oil:
Marjoram oil is used as a "water pill," to treat runny noses, coughs, gall bladder complaints, stomach cramps, migraines, nervous headaches, paralysis, and digestive diseases. Marjoram is a culinary spice used in cooking.
Marjoram has been associated with various advantages, including lowered inflammation, better digestive health, and control of menstruation.
Side Effects of Marjoram Oil:
- When taken orally at medical levels for brief periods of time, marjoram is LIKELY SAFE in food amounts and POSSIBLY SAFE for the majority of people.
- Long-term usage or application of fresh marjoram to the skin or eyes could be dangerous. There is some evidence to suggest that long-term usage of marjoram may result in cancer. Applying fresh marjoram could irritate your eyes or skin.

Vishwajeet Pandey
18 Dec, 2022
Aos products is One of the Trustworthy Manufacturers of Marjoram oil in India . This company manufacture the oils in thier own plant.
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