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Grape Seed Oil - AOS 93

Grape Seed Oil

5.00 % Reviews Rating   4 Reviews

  • Product Name : Grape Seed Oil
  • Product Weight : 30 ML
  • Product Price : 156
  • Product Availibility : 500 Items in Stock

Grape seeds botanical name is Vitis vinifera which belongs to family Vitaceae, it has a large, jagged leaves & its stem bark peels. Grapes may be green, red, or purple. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants. Grapes can be eaten as fresh fruit & their skin, seeds & Leaves are put to good use. Buy Food Grade, Pharma Grade and Cosmetic Grade Grape Seed Oil Online at the best price directly to Manufacturers and suppliers in India. We have highest Credit Ranking of A++ by Dun & Bradstreet. Our Grapeseed Oil is 100% Pure and Safe. We are proving the 100% Secure Payment Gateway Method. So do not hesitate during Cart and Buy. Visit today, log in and Buy Now

Available Sizes :
30 ML ₹ 156
50 ML ₹ 201
100 ML ₹ 245
200 ML ₹ 370
500 ML ₹ 770
1000 ML ₹ 1254
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About Grape Seed Oil

Know all About Grape Seed Oil and Buy Online:
Grape seeds botanical name is Vitis vinifera which belongs to family Vitaceae, it has large, jagged leaves & its stem bark peels. Grapes may be green, Red, or purple. Grape is smooth-skinned & juicy, seed or seedless. This tasty fruit is one of the best examples of the blurry line between food & medicine (know more essential oil uses in food). Grapes contain powerful antioxidants. Grapes can be eaten as fresh fruit & their skin, seeds & Leaves are put to good use. Resveratrol is a popular supplement extracted from the skin of grapes. California is the largest producer of grapes both wine & table grapes.

FAQ 1- -Extraction Process (How to Make?)

Grape seed oil is extracted by cold pressed method from seeds of Vitis Vinifera. 


It is a sweet, light& nutty aroma, color is clear with a tint of yellow or green.


It consists of Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, stearic acid, Alpha-linolenic acid & palmitoleic acid.



It blends well with Sweet almond oil, sunflower oil & olive oil, avocado oil.


  1. It is used as an ingredient in salad dressings & mayonnaise, baked goods, pancakes.
  2. It is used as vegetable oil.
  3. It is used as a lubricant for shaving.
  4. It is good for hair strengthening & growth.
  5. It has high smoking point & is used to fry foods.
  6. It is high in omega-6 fatty acids.
  7. It is used in massage & Aromatherapy.
  8. It is a good hair moisturizer.
  9. The oil made by AOS products also assists in skin repair owing to its astringent & antiseptic properties.
  10. It reduces LDL Level.
  11. It contains high anti-oxidants.
  12. It is ingredient in moisturizing creams, & sun creams.
  13. It proves beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.
  14. Grape seed oil can repair damaged or broken capillaries & blood vessels.
  15. Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties it provides relief against pain & swelling.
  16. It is useful in asthma, allergies, acne & dermatitis.
  17. It helps the immune system & increases blood circulation.
  18. It helps to tighten & tone the skin.


  • It should be stored in a cool dark place
  • People allergic (Use Lemongrass Oil to save your skin from Allergic) to grape should not use this oil.
  • People on blood thinning medication should consult a physician before its use.

Customer's Reviews

Dr. Rao
07 Mar, 2019 Thesd days it is used in serveral medicine for pain and inflammation in joints so i started giving this to my patients. they feel good and their pain is gone.


Hitesh Verma
01 Jan, 2021 Nice product and best thing is that 100%pure.


Manpreet kaur
04 Jan, 2021 One of the best product ,you can buy it’s any product with closed eyes.


Tushar Rajput
25 May, 2022 We are a manufacturer of medicines like pain killer and all plz quote 250 gms oil

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FAQ 1 - How to Check Purity of Grapeseed Oil?
  1. GC test is one of the Approved testing Method that gives exact results for the purity of the carrier oil. For such testing, you can write to AOS Products
  2. for a Small quantity it should be stored in Amber glass or Aluminum Bottle
  3. Grapeseed oil never feel oily or greasy when you rub it between your finger.
  4. Pure and Natural Grapeseed Oil never contain any types of Artificial Substances.
FAQ 2 - How to Buy Grape Seed Oil from https://www.indiannaturaloils.com/
  1. Visit the website
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  6. Select the products: Enter 3 Initial Character of your product Keyword in Search Box ( E.g. if you want to buy Anise Oil than write 3 Character as ANI ).
  7. Select the products & Size (30 Gms, 60 Gms, 100 Gms, 200 Gms and 500 Gms) with best price.
  8. Add to CART & if you want to add more products than follow the same steps from 6 to 8.
  9. Proceed to Shipping
  10. At Shipping Details page, Enter your Country, State and City & Click on Continue Checkout button.
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