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Patchouli Oil - AOS 34

Patchouli Oil

5.00 % Reviews Rating   4 Reviews

  • Product Name : Patchouli Oil
  • Product Weight : 30 ML
  • Product Price : 387
  • Product Availibility : 496 Items in Stock

Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family, growing up to 75 cm in height and producing pale pink-white flowers. It thrives in hot weather but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The flowers produce seeds that are harvested for planting, and cuttings from mother plants can also be rooted in water to produce additional plants.

Buy Patchouli Oil Online in Food, Cosmetic, and Pharma Grade directly from reputed manufacturers and suppliers in India. We are committed to quality and have a strong presence based on our high standards. We hold the highest A++ credit ranking by Dun & Bradstreet, ensuring trust and reliability. Our products are 100% pure and safe.

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Available Sizes :
30 ML ₹ 387
50 ML ₹ 655
100 ML ₹ 895
200 ML ₹ 1625
500 ML ₹ 4200
1000 ML ₹ 7245
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About Patchouli Oil

Know all About Patchouli Oil and Buy Online: 

Patchouli is a bushy herb of the mint family it reaches up to 75mts in height & it consists of pale pink-white flowers. It grows well in hot weather, but not in direct sunlight. Flowers produce seed which are harvested for planting. Cuttings from mother plants can also be rooted in water to produce additional plants.


Patchouli oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves. Highest quality oil is produced from fresh leaves. 


It has deep, musky fragrance.


Its chief components are Patchoulol & nor patchoulenol.


It blends well with bergamot oil, Clary sage, geranium, lavender & myrrh.


  1. It is a widely used in modern perfumery.
  2. Patchouli oil industrial products such as paper towels, laundry detergents & air freshers.
  3. It also acts as insect repellent.
  4. It is an important ingredient in incense.
  5. It is used in protection of clothes & fabrics from insects.
  6. This is great for people suffering from depression.
  7. It soothes inflammation.
  8. It protects wounds & ulcers from developing infections & becoming septic or tetanus.
  9. It helps to strengthen the hold of gums on teeth and prevents the sagging of skin.
  10. It acts as anti-aging substance.
  11. It speeds up healing process of cuts & wounds & fades scar.
  12. It stimulates generation of new body cells.
  13. It can eliminate or mask body odor.
  14. It increases the frequency of urination thus helping in the removal of toxins from the body.
  15. Patchouli oil also helps in losing weight.
  16. It increases appetite.
  17. It lowers cholesterol.
  18. It reduces body temperature in case of fever by fighting infections.
  19. It inhibits fungal growth.
  20. It reduces signs of insomnia.
  21. It tones up whole body.
  22. It is useful for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis & sores.
  23. It provides relief from constipation (use Lemon Oil to Reduce Constipation)


Its aroma can be irritating to certain people.

Customer's Reviews

Kavita Sharma
20 Jul, 2020 Very good your website that promotes patchouli oil for hair and skin. I am going to buy 100 gms, if had felt the quality are superb than next time we will again buy from your website.


14 Oct, 2020 Very original oil....It passed the paper taste also. Very Good Quality Product. Thanks Aos


Shipra kanda
03 Jan, 2021 Thank youAOS , I used the oil for my acne . It really works.Even it helps me in scars also.


04 Jan, 2021 Nice products, leaves the skin smooth and good

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