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Eucalyptus Citrodora Oil - AOS 45

It is Effective in asthma, sinusitis, phlegm, coughs and colds!

5.00 % Reviews Rating   1 Reviews

  • Product Name : Eucalyptus Citrodora Oil
  • Product Weight : 30 ML
  • Product Price : 195
  • Product Availibility : 500 Items in Stock

This useful oil is obtained from the leaves of the tree and is also called lemon eucalyptus. Lemon eucalyptus is an evergreen, fast-growing tree that reaches a height of 25 to 40 meters. The leaves are lanceolate and have a strong lemon scent. Originally from Queensland, located in the Tropic of Capricorn, lemon eucalyptus now grows worldwide.

Buy Food and Pharma Grade Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Online directly from reliable manufacturers and suppliers in India. We hold the highest A++ credit ranking by Dun & Bradstreet, ensuring trust and reliability. Our oil is 100% pure and safe. We provide a 100% secure payment gateway for a seamless shopping experience. Shop with confidence!

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Available Sizes :
30 ML ₹ 195
50 ML ₹ 286
100 ML ₹ 407
200 ML ₹ 710
500 ML ₹ 1617
1000 ML ₹ 2845
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About Eucalyptus Citrodora Oil

Know all About Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil and Buy Online:

The largest producing countries of eucalyptus citriodora are China, Brazil, and India. Lemon eucalyptus leaves are used to reduce fevers and treat gastric conditions and can be applied topically with anti-fungal, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its antimicrobial properties ( know more essential oil has antimicrobial properties ), it is used to treat small cuts, wounds, and skin infections. 

The vapors of leaves are used to treat respiratory infections, congestion, and rheumatism. This powerful essential oil has several properties such as fungicidal and bactericidal, so used in several medicinal and pharmaceutical products. There are 700 varieties of eucalyptus; its oil is considered a good remedy for respiratory medicines. Due to its broad spectrum antimicrobial action, it is now being used in sanitizing solutions.

Extraction Method (How to Make?)

The oil is obtained from the leaves from the eucalyptus citriodora by the steam distillation process.

About of Chemical composition:

The major components of eucalyptus citriodora essential oil are citronellal, geraniol, ²-citronellol and ´-cadinene.

Know Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Blends Well With 

Lemon-scented eucalyptus oil is a top note oil and blends well with Virginian oil, clary sage oil, coriander oil, juniper berry oil, basil oil, cedar wood oil lavender oil, marjoram oil, Melissa oil, peppermint oil, thyme oil, pine oil, rosemary oil, and Vetiver oil.

8 Impressive Benefits of Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil:

  1. flavonoids are plant based antioxidants, which are helpful for many skin problems and tannins act as anti-inflammatory agents.
  2. It is antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal; therefore it is best available natural disinfectant.
  3. It is known for its mucolytic and spasmolytic action on the respiratory tract.
  4. It helps in relaxation and reducing headaches as it increases blood circulation of the brain, as it is a vasodilator, inhaling it helps to treat asthma.
  5. Eucalyptus oil helps in treating wounds, injuries, and minor cuts at home.
  6. Due to the presence of alpha-pinene, eucalyptus oil is used to treat diseases like arthritis, Crohn's and multiple sclerosis.
  7. AOS Eucalyptus oil helps to reduce pains related with various health conditions.
  8. Diluted citrodorra oil of eucalyptus is useful on the skin to promote healing and fight inflammation, we can buy ointments or cream that contains eucalyptus oil.

FAQ 2: Where to Buy Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Online?

We AOS Products are the largest manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of a wide range of essential oils. And the world is now a day suffering from Pandemic Situation or Covid-19. So, if you are looking for Eucalyptus oil citriodora online, then you can buy directly from us.

Customer's Reviews

Pramlesh Sinha
21 Jul, 2020 I am Pramlesh Sinha from Hyderabad, I am learning uses of Citrodora oil at your website. Really awesome, we want to know that what eucalyptus Citrodora oil can be used to maintain respiratory bacterial infection?

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